All posts by rubyk6

My Letter to the Senator

Dear Senator Hornback,

My class was reading an article about children working in tobacco fields, and you don’t think they should get breaks or proper gear. How can you think like that? You don’t think it’s a problem, but I know it’s a huge problem! Your comments disgust me, why don’t you want restrictions? It’s your job to protect those kids, and your not protecting them. If they get seriously sick it’s on your watch, not anyone else’s. I think you should put more restrictions so they at least get protective gear, and mandatory breaks. Your saying there is no reason to put anymore restrictions, but it’s your job to more restrictions so those children don’t have to live like this. In a way your not doing your job. I have one thing to tell you that you should think about, what if you were in their place.

Sincerly yours,

Week 10 Blogging Challenge

I have written 10 blog post since March till now. 2 of the posts on my blog are for the challenge, 5 of my entires are for school ,and the rest are my own interests.
There are 11 comments on my blog. My Childhood Memory post received 3 comments ,and I think it received the most comments because it had a sweet story. I enjoyed writing BFF Tribute because having a best friend is amazing ,it’s like your never alone. They always have your back and I wanted to dedicate a post to my best friend ,Simone. I never changed my theme because the theme was right for me ,and that i how i wanted it to be. I have 8 widgets ,and I think it’s just right.

I interviewed Laura/ my mom

What were your first impressions of this blog? My first thoughts were that Ruby is a very thoughtful writer.

What captured your attention? Her concern for others caught my attention.

What distracted you on the blog? Nothing distracted me on her blog.

What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog? I think you should put more pictures.

Week 8 Blogging challenge

1.) What time do you normally get up to go to school? I usually get up at 6:30.
2.)What do you normally have for breakfast, recess, lunch, tea (dinner, supper)? For breakfast I have cereal, for recess any kind of snack food, lunch sometimes sandwiches and sometimes leftover dinner, and for dinner it varies.
3.)How do you get to school? In my moms car.
4.)How long does it take to get to or from school? About 4 minutes, 5 if there is traffic.
5.)A typical lunch at school is me and my friends eat then play games together that we make up.
6.)Subjects you have to do. We have lit. Math, social studies, music, art, religion, spainish,science, and PE.
7.)Specialist subjects or electives, options. I don’t do any yet.
8.)Technology in your school. We have iPads, a computer lab, and smart boards.
9.A typical schoolday with timetable and breaks. First we have religion, then math, social studies or spainish, then recess, then we have lit., then lunch, and then whatever subject after lunch, we never have the same ones all week.
10.)What do you do at break times? I play with my friends, usually the really fun games we make up.
11.)School bell has gone for end of day – what happens now? I go home or pick up my brother, then do my homework.
12.)Do you have to wear uniform? Yes, at our school we have a church uniform, a PE uniform, and a regular one.
13.)How many days per year are you at school? How is this arranged – terms etc? About 9 months.
14.)What do you enjoy most about school?
15.)If you could improve your school, what would you do? I think my school is perfect, and it should stay that way.

Week 7 Blogging Challenge

One day there was a boy named Alex. It was the middles of the 6th grade school year and he moved from Kansas to California. His parents have jobs where he has to move a lot. So he was trying to make friends at lunch, when kids were looking at him funny when he accidentally sat at the populars table. He was sitting where the captain of the football team usually sits. The moment all the -popular kids came over he found out why everyone was looking at him so weird. “What are you doping here,” asked Jackson, the captain of the football team “, Have I not made it clear before tat no one sits here but me, and my friends!” Alex knew he was really mad ,so he simply got his lunch and left. The next day Alex had a surprise by his locker. After he got thee lock off, something was wrong with his locker. The locker door had been glued shut! He knew who did this ,Jackson and his friends had skipped class for a lame prank! He told the principal ,and he said “We will get your locker open in a jiffy.” Now that his locker was open again, he got his books. He didn’t realize that right behind were Jackson and the rest of the football team! When he turned around they pushed him out of the way, and started throwing things out of his locker. A girl named Abby had seen Alex get bullied for far to long, so she quietly went to the principals office while everyone watched the locks pull apart Alex’s locker. The principal, and Abby cam back into the hall way. “What is going on here,” said the principal clearly confused and upset. “Were umm…. just umm” stammered Jackson. Alex thanked Abby for helping him, even though he may not even be there for the whole school year.

Alex, and Abby’s story show a great deal of leadership. Abby changed Alex’s life by just telling a teacher. Preventing bulling isn’t about just not bulling, it’s about being an upstander like Abby. If you see someone getting bullied go and help them.

Creative Commons

We watch a video about Creative Commons. It was about how to protect your work when your sharing it, and this is my reveiw on what I thought. It was a fun way to show how I can make something, and share it while still having my name on it. Now I how to make sure people don’t make profit off my work without me getting any credit. The best part is it’s easy to put these labels on your work. But when your copywrite is dead it goes into the puplic domain. The public domain is where anyone can use your work without permission. So I suggest making the best of your work before your 60 year copywrite is up! So, I have some questions and I want you to answer them in your comments. How would you feel if you forgot to put copywrite things on your work? Why would it affect you, and your work? and, How can you prevent your work from being stolen?
Thanks for reading! Have a good day 🙂 😉


Hi everyone! I’m writing this post about things I like to do, and sports. You know, things like that. So electronically my passion is helping people who are being bulied through games on the internet. I’m also passionate about playing Minecraft with my bestfriends. In sports, my passion would either be practicing gymnastics at home, swimming, or volleyball. I can’t choose! Reading wise ( books, magazinesm, etc.) I like books best of all, mostly because its easier to picture things. Plus its just plain fun! My last passion is…………… BLOGGING! Blogging is fun because you get to see other people thoughts, and make comments. Thanks for reading, and comment what a couple of your passions. 🙂


BFF Tribute

I wanted to give a tribute to my best friend Simone, who has been my BFF for years. She has been there for me through everything, and I love to the moon and back (you know as my best friend kind of love), and she deserves at least a blog post. Simone if you see this post I want you to know you are the best friend I’ve ever had and I hope we stay best friends through-out high school, college, and until were sitting in rocking chairs knitting sweaters for our dogs 🙂 I know, I know it sound super weird, but so are me and Simone. Comment below what your best friend is like. Thanks for reading this!