Week 8 Blogging challenge

1.) What time do you normally get up to go to school? I usually get up at 6:30.
2.)What do you normally have for breakfast, recess, lunch, tea (dinner, supper)? For breakfast I have cereal, for recess any kind of snack food, lunch sometimes sandwiches and sometimes leftover dinner, and for dinner it varies.
3.)How do you get to school? In my moms car.
4.)How long does it take to get to or from school? About 4 minutes, 5 if there is traffic.
5.)A typical lunch at school is me and my friends eat then play games together that we make up.
6.)Subjects you have to do. We have lit. Math, social studies, music, art, religion, spainish,science, and PE.
7.)Specialist subjects or electives, options. I don’t do any yet.
8.)Technology in your school. We have iPads, a computer lab, and smart boards.
9.A typical schoolday with timetable and breaks. First we have religion, then math, social studies or spainish, then recess, then we have lit., then lunch, and then whatever subject after lunch, we never have the same ones all week.
10.)What do you do at break times? I play with my friends, usually the really fun games we make up.
11.)School bell has gone for end of day – what happens now? I go home or pick up my brother, then do my homework.
12.)Do you have to wear uniform? Yes, at our school we have a church uniform, a PE uniform, and a regular one.
13.)How many days per year are you at school? How is this arranged – terms etc? About 9 months.
14.)What do you enjoy most about school?
15.)If you could improve your school, what would you do? I think my school is perfect, and it should stay that way.

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